Symmetry Law is a UK based solicitor’s firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (“SRA”).
Symmetry Law is the trading style of Symmetry Law Limited, a company limited by shares registered in England and Wales with company number 7156594.
The firm’s SRA number is 535083.
Please note that Symmetry Law does not accept postal, courier or other deliveries without prior written agreement which may be sought via email.
Our Head Office correspondence address is: Symmetry Law, PO Box 865, LANCASTER, LA1 9HB, UK.
Our registered office address is: Symmetry Law, PO Box B30, 35 Westgate, HUDDERSFIELD, HD1 1PA, UK.
Our Midlands office address is: Symmetry Law, PO Box 16794, BIRMINGHAM, B31 9EQ, UK.
The Director of Symmetry Law is Paul Bratt, a Solicitor in England and Wales.
Our practitioners include both Solicitors and non Solicitors. Our Engagement Letter will set out the status of each person on a case by case basis.
Copies of our Equality & Diversity Policy, our Complaints Handling Procedure and other policies and procedures may be requested by writing to The Practice Manager at the correspondence address set out above.
We are authorised to act as solicitors and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN ("SRA").
This means that we are governed by a Code of Conduct and other professional rules, which you can access on the SRA’s website ( or by calling 0370 606 2555.
We maintain professional indemnity insurance cover in accordance with the Solicitors' Indemnity Insurance Rules of the Solicitors' Regulation Authority. Details of such cover including contact details of the insurer and the territorial coverage of the policy are available upon written request to Paul Bratt, Director, at our office address.
If you have a complaint, please contact with the details.
To arrange a meeting, or simply to seek further information about our people and services, please contact us using the details below.
Telephone: + 44 (0) 161 883 1000 or + 44 (0) 121 663 0900